So I thought I might share with you what's actually going on in my life at the moment. First off, I'm having car troubles; that's one thing I don't think I can live without. As I attempt to fix things with the car, I'm also trying to work more hours with Values Into Action. My goal is to work full time during the year, but somehow it's difficult to find me more clients. I'll take the hours as they come. 
     With that being said, I'm in the process of saving money as best as I can to go on a cruise towards the end of the year; my first cruise! To be clear, I'm training with Barbizon, a modeling and talent agency, to compete in some competitions during the cruise. My job is to sing for agents from LA and/or NY. Let's hope I get some callbacks! In the meantime, I received a scholarship to compete in another competition (I would be singing, of course) on April 1st. If I win, I get a trip to either NY or LA for a photoshoot and some other things. How awesome would that be? Pretty awesome, I think.
     My goal, if some if you didn't know, is to be known and recognized. I want to work on my stage confidence. So come on out and support me! I'll appreciate any bit that you can give. 
That's it for now!

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